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To graduate with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Science and Technology, a student must satisfy all requirements of the University, the Faculty of Science and Technology, and the Department.
KREQ150 Understanding Human Societies - 3 Credits
KREQ120 Academic Writing I - 3 Credits
View in LMSKREQ130 Numeracy Skills - 3 Credits
View in LMSKREQ150 Understanding Human Societies - 3 Credits
View in LMSKREQ160 Science and Technology in Our Lives - 3 Credits
View in LMSKREQ210 Academic Writing II - 3 Credits
View in LMSKREQ220 Africa and World Development - 3 Credits
View in LMSKREQ400: Research Project/Project Work 6 Credits
View in LMSKUCS101 Introduction to Computer Science 3 Credits
The course provides a brief introduction to computer science. Topics include: Types of computers and their Historical developments; Number systems: Binary, Octal and hexadecimal conversions; representation of integer and real numbers; 1’s and 2’s Complement representation, floating-point and IEEE precision numbers; Computer Hardware: The Central Processor Unit its main elements and their functions. Machine organization, introduction to programming: design of algorithms and flowcharts.
KUCS103 Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computer science, problem-solving, algorithm and program design, data types, loops, control structures, subprograms, and arrays. Students will learn to write programs in a high-level programming language and an appreciation of current social and ethical aspects of computer science.
KUCS105 Calculus I 3 Credits
The course, Calculus I, introduces students to the basic concepts in calculus. Topics include a brief review of polynomials, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, followed by a discussion of limits, derivatives, and applications of differential calculus to real-world problem areas. An introduction to integration concludes the course.
KUCS106 Calculus II 3 Credits
This course introduces students to advanced concepts in calculus. Topics include an overview of integration, basic techniques for integration, a variety of applications of integration, and an introduction to (systems of) differential equations.
KUCS104 Programming in Visual Basic 3 Credits
This course will build on the fundamentals of structured and object-oriented programming. It covers client and server-side scripting languages and an SQL database management system. Students will use open-source software tools to develop database-enabled web applications.
KCIT104 Ethical and Legal Issues in IT 3 Credits
The course examines the legal, social, and ethical issues surrounding software development and computer use. Professional conduct, social responsibility and rigorous standards for software testing and reliability will be stressed. Issues such as liability, intellectual property rights, security and crime will be examined in the context of computer use. Students are expected to conduct research on the Internet.
KUCS201 Digital Electronics I 3 Credits
This course exposes students to basic analogue and digital electronics as related to hardware. Topic covered include: Electric field and potential; capacitors and Dielectrics; Newton Theorems: Kirchhoff’s laws, Superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and reciprocity theorems, Delta-star and star-delta transformations; magnetic induction: Ampere’s law, Boit-Savart law, self and mutual inductance, electronic oscillation; alternating currents; Power and resonance in ac circuits.
KUCS205 Computer Architecture and Low-Level Programming 3 Credits
This course will study topics such as: Computer system specification; Performance issues; Instruction set selection; ALU design; Architecture design; Data path selection; Control systems; Single and multiple clocks Pipelines; Memory hierarchy; I/O architectures. Digital logic: transistors, gates, and combinatorial circuits; clocks; registers and register banks; arithmetic-logic units; data representation: big-endian and little-endian integers; ones and twos complement arithmetic; signed and unsigned values; Von-Neumann architecture and bottleneck; instruction sets. Purpose of an Assembler or Low-Level Programme and its functions. Writing assembly language or Low-Level programmes using an assembler.
KUCS207 C++ Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to program design and problem solving using the C programming language. Programming topics include control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and file I/O. Students will use C++ to implement the basic concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP).
KUCS203 Database I 3 Credits
This course is intended to give students a solid background in database systems. Topics include data modeling, database design theory, data definition and manipulation languages, storage and indexing techniques, query processing and optimization, concurrency control and recovery, normalization and relationship, and database programming interfaces. Besides relational databases and XML, this course also samples a number of other topics related to data management, such as Web search, data warehousing, data mining, and data privacy. Programming projects are required
KUCS209 Discrete Mathematics 3 Credits
This course gives an understanding and uses (abstract) discrete structures that are the backbone of computer science. In particular, this class is meant to introduce logic, proofs, sets, relations, functions, counting, and probability, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.
KUCS202 Computer Systems 3 Credits
The course introduces students to the various hardware and peripherals that go to make a computer system. Interfacing devices and processing techniques. Types of Computers and configurations; Computer Hardware: System Unit, Input and Output devices, File and Secondary Storage, System and Application Software. Computer Networks, Communication Technologies, Introduction to Internet Technologies, Processing Techniques and Data Transfer. Computers and Society: Social Impact, Cyber Crimes and Ethics.
KUCS204 Digital Electronics II 3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to digital logic related to computer hardware. Topic includes: Boolean Algebra and logic gates, simplification of logic functions, Truth Tables; Karnaugh graphs, DeMorgan’s rules; synchronous flip flops: D, T and JK flip flops; asynchronous state machines in terms of RS flip flops; characteristics of diodes, NMOS and PMOS field-effect transistors; structure and use of programmable logic arrays (PLAs), etc.
KUCS206 Data Communication and Networking I 3 Credits
The principles and techniques of computer networks with special reference to interconnections of PC networks and PCs to a host computer are discussed. Network topologies, Terminal based networks, peer-to-peer and server based networks. Examples of Network Systems: Arpanet, Ethernet: Contention and CSMA/CD methods and Public Networks, Local Area and Wide Area Networks. Wireless Networks etc. Design and implementation of local area networks: Field measurements, Drawings and building the Network (cabling), connection of switches, cost estimates, submitting, and configurations of IPs. TCP/IP and the Internet.
KUCS208 Database II 3 Credits
This course gives students exposure to the implementation of relational database management systems. Topics covered include: Database design algorithms; Query implementation; Execution and optimization; Transaction processing; Concurrency control; Recovery; Distributed query processing; Database security; Deductive databases, parallel databases; Knowledge discovery/data mining, data warehousing.
KUCS212 Formal Methods and Models 3 Credits
The course gives students practice in precise thinking and proof methods that play a role in the analysis of algorithms. Programming assignments in Prolog and other programming languages provide practical experience with these theoretical topics. Topics include: Propositional Logic and Proofs; Predicate Logic and Proofs; Program Verification; Prolog; Finite Automata, Regular Expressions; Context-Free Grammars; Turing Machines and Solvability.
KUCS214 Data Structures 3 Credits
This course covers the design and analysis of data structures and associated algorithms using object-oriented methods. Topics to be covered include: Generic types; Linked lists; Stacks and queues; Binary trees; Balanced binary trees; Multi-way trees; B-trees and B+-trees; File organization; Searching and sorting, Set representations; Hashing.
KUCS301 Operating Systems 3 Credits
It covers issues in multiprogramming. Covers concurrent processes and synchronization mechanisms; processor scheduling; memory, file, I/O, and deadlock management; performance of operating systems; and projects dealing with synchronization in multi-programmed OS and virtual memory management. Practices and procedures for installing and configuring modern operating systems, including user accounts, file, print. Students receive real-world experiences with multiple operating systems through laboratory sessions.
KUCS303 Data Communication and Networking II 3 Credits
This course focuses on the primary aspects of data communications networking, including a study of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and Internet models. Students will start at Layer 1 with the study of various Layer 1 interface and cabling configurations. They will construct and test various cables with connectors. Moving up the OSI layers, students will focus on IP network addressing, network design, and enhanced hands-on router and port configurations. They will also learn security protocols and do static routing, EIGRP, RIPv2, and OSPF configurations.
KUCS305 Object-Oriented Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to programming in the Java language. Topics include problem-solving methods and algorithm development, program structures, abstract data types, simple data and file structures and program development in a modular, object-oriented manner. Introductory use of OO language features, including data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling. An introduction to Java servlets and applets is included. Emphasis on program development is reinforced through several programming projects.
KCIT305 Software Engineering I 3 Credits
In-depth study of software design and implementation using a modern, object-oriented language with support for graphical user interfaces and complex data structures is the focus of the course. Topics covered will be specifications, design patterns, and abstraction techniques, including typing, access control, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students will learn the proper engineering use of techniques such as information hiding, classes, objects, inheritance, exception handling, event-based systems, and concurrency.
KUCS309 Linear Algebra 3 Credits
This course covers topics including trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, techniques of integration, polar coordinates, and complex numbers: algebra, Argand diagram.
KCIT301 Web Technologies 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to understand the fundamentals of web technologies, the conceptual foundations that underpin them, and to provide experience in the design and implementation of web-based distributed systems. Students are expected to understand the fundamentals of the World Wide Web (www), HTTP and web browsers, variety of multimedia formats including image and sound; design and construct web pages using HTML, FrontPage and Dreamweaver.
KUCS302 Numerical Methods 3 Credits
Topics include: Error analysis; Approximate solutions of equations of one variable; Interpolation and polynomial approximation; Numerical differentiation and integration and solution of ordinary differential equations including initial value problems; Computer applications and techniques; Linear systems of equations and iterative methods for solving them.
KCIT308 Software Engineering II 3 Credits
This course covers the design and analysis of data structures and associated algorithms using object-oriented methods. Topics to be covered include: Generic types; Linked lists; Stacks and queues; Binary trees; Balanced binary trees; Multi-way trees; B-trees and B+-trees; File organization; Searching and sorting, Set representations; Hashing.
KUCS306 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 Credits
In this course, a thorough examination of several well-known techniques that are used for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms will be covered. Topics to be covered include theoretical measures of algorithm complexity, greedy algorithms, divide and conquer techniques, dynamic programming, graph algorithms, search strategies, and an introduction to the theory of NP-completeness
KUSC308 Management Information Systems (MIS) 3 Credits
This course is concerned with how information systems have grown from automation of office systems that assist managers to make decisions into a knowledge-based enterprise. It introduces information systems through a survey of information systems technologies and the way they affect management. Management strategies and technical issues will be considered. Students are expected to identify information system needs and participate in its development in order to create a business competitive advantage.
KUCS314 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 Credits
Students will obtain a basic understanding of uninformed and heuristic search techniques, basic logic and probabilistic reasoning techniques, and of basic machine learning techniques. Students will obtain the ability to implement basic AI methods in Lisp, Prolog, or a knowledge-based systems development environment, and will have the ability to identify and apply basic AI methods to a given problem.
KUCS312 Research Methods 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide students with a conceptual map for conducting an information technology-focused research project and reporting. It covers the general research processes, identifying a research problem, scoping, design and implementation of a solution to the problem.
KUCS401 Compilers 3 Credits
Topics include introduction to compilers, one-pass compiler, lexical analysis, and the role of lexical analyzer, finite automata, DFA based pattern matchers. Syntax Analysis includes context-free grammar, LR parser, parser generators, syntax direct translation, Type checking, run-time environments, code optimization, code generation and others.
KUCS405 Human Computer Interactions 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the human and computer interaction that exist. The content include the following: Study modeling techniques for human activity; Evaluate methods on how an interface ought to look like in terms of functionality and fitness for purpose; Methods in order to identify existing or potential problems in human-computer interaction; Tools and techniques, Design methods, hierarchical task analysis, task analysis for knowledge description; Users requirements and modeling; Interaction design processes and heuristic evaluation user interface design; Prototyping and interaction.
KCIT403 IT Entrepreneurship 3 Credits
Investigating and analyzing plans for successful implementation and launching of new business ventures. Characteristics of entrepreneurs and the importance of building a variety of topics in small business and entrepreneurship, including, but not limited to marketing, finance, human resources, and operations networks. Topics include: Definitions of smaller enterprises. What constitutes a small or medium-sized enterprise, Economic theories of entrepreneurship, the roles of smaller enterprises, Variety in Entrepreneurship, Common Characteristics that successful Entrepreneurs share, Differences between small and large enterprises.
KUCS409 Computer Graphics 3 Credits
This course will present an overview of graphics systems, display devices CRT, Random Scan and Raster, Scan monitors, DDA and Bresenham’s Circle algorithm, Character generation. Two-dimensional transformations, scaling, translation and rotation, matrix representations interactive input methods etc.
KCIT 401 e-Business 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to specify, design, implement and maintain effective e-Business applications. Topics include: the infrastructure of e-commerce and the design and implementation of e-business portals using network and database technologies; e-business models, risks and risk management, cryptography environment of e-business data/Web mining, and security/encryption techniques for finding and negotiating with trading partners to execute electronic transactions.
KUCS407 Wireless and Mobile Computing 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to specify, design, implement and maintain effective e-Business applications. Topics include: the infrastructure of e-commerce and the design and implementation of e-business portals using network and database technologies; e-business models, risks and risk management, cryptography environment of e-business data/Web mining, and security/encryption techniques for finding and negotiating with trading partners to execute electronic transactions.
KUCS403 Data Mining & Warehousing 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to understand and implement classical models and algorithms in data warehousing and data mining. They will learn how to analyze the data, identify the problems, and choose the relevant models and algorithms to apply. They will further be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of various methods and algorithms and to analyze their behavior.
KCIT402 IT Project Management 3 Credits
This course introduces software development and management of the development process. Topics include: logical design, physical design, implementation, testing, system integration, maintenance); design techniques (structured, event-driven, object-oriented); implementation; testing and software quality assurance; delivery and user training; metrics for project management and system performance evaluation; managing expectations; personnel management, cost analysis and change management; management of behavioral and technical project aspects.
KUCS402 Systems Security and Administration 3 Credits
This course will provide the fundamentals in Systems Administration in Unix/Linux environments. Students will learn to install, maintain, and administer a Unix/Linux Operating Systems. It is the intention of this class to introduce students to more advanced concepts in systems administration and security and to provide references, examples, case studies and resources that will allow them to become more proficient at UNIX/LINUX Operating System and Information Security.
KUCS404 Computer Simulation & Modelling 3 Credits
This course will introduce students to the general principles of simulation model design and concepts of the computer simulation. The course introduces mathematical and statistical models, simulation languages, gives a thorough review of queuing systems and a hands-on experience with the object-oriented simulation. Applications of simulation methods and techniques are focused mainly on the area of computer science. ProModel for Windows will be used for projects including production systems, inventory, finance, and transportation. Statistical analysis of simulation input/output data, model validation, design of simulation experiments, and optimization are also covered. Emphasis is placed on the study and development of models of computer systems. Both analytical and discrete-event simulation models are studied. Data gathered from actual systems is used to parameterize and validate these models. Use of models to predict system performance is discussed.
KUCS406 Multimedia and Web Application Design 3 Credits
This provides a study of multimedia systems and applications in the business world. Topics include: multimedia applications, hypertext and hypermedia, audio, graphics, images, and full-motion video; multimedia-ready personal computers and workstations, storage devices, operating systems and graphical user interfaces; communication and networking requirements, multimedia applications on the Internet; file formats, data compression and streaming audio/video; and multimedia authoring tools.
KUCS408 Decision Support and Expert Systems 3 Credits
This course provides an overview on Decision Support Systems (DSS) and its subsystems. Topics include: DSS overview, modeling and analysis using linear programming, decision tables, trees, AHP, etc., group decision support systems, fundamentals of AI, expert systems, expert system building tools, and validation, knowledge representation. Classical Approaches to the Design and Development of Expert Systems, Ontology Design and Development, learning-oriented Knowledge Representation, Problem Reduction and Solution Synthesis, Modeling Expert’s Reasoning, Agent Teaching, and Multi-strategy Rule Learning, Mixed-Initiative Problem Solving and Knowledge Base Refinement, Tutoring Expert Problem Solving Knowledge. Design Principles for Expert Systems. Frontier Research Problems.
KCIT101 Introduction to Information Technology 3 Credits
This course introduces fundamental concepts underpinning state-of-the-art applications in Information Technology. Topics include: Quantitative and historical perspectives underlying major information technologies, theoretical background on a wide range of information technologies as well as issues surrounding the social, economic, and political contexts in which IT exists. It provides exposure to cutting-edge technologies and trends including wireless multimedia, mobile communications, computer security, digital video and audio, and high-performance computing
KUCS101 Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computer science, problem-solving, algorithm and program design, data types, loops, control structures, subprograms, and arrays. Students will learn to write programs in a high level programming language and an appreciation of current social and ethical aspects of computer science.
KUCS103 Calculus 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the basic concepts in calculus. Topics include a brief review of polynomials, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, followed by a discussion of limits, derivatives, and applications of differential calculus to real-world problem areas. An introduction to integration concludes the course.
KCIT102 Database Fundamentals 3 Credits
This course introduces students to relational database management systems and their applications. Students will learn about types of databases, data modeling, designing relational databases, normalization and relationships, and recent trends in database management, including web applications. Students apply learned concepts using modern database applications to create tables, queries, forms, and reports.
KUCS102 Programming in Visual Basic 3 Credits
This course will build on the fundamentals of structured and object-oriented programming. It covers client and server-side scripting languages and an SQL database management system. Students will use open-source software tools to develop database-enabled web applications.
KCIT104 Ethical and Legal Issues in Computing & IT 3 Credits
This course examines the legal, social, and ethical issues surrounding software development and computer use. Professional conduct, social responsibility and rigorous standards for software testing and reliability will be stressed. Issues such as liability, intellectual property rights, security and crime will be examined in the context of computer use. Students are expected to be able to conduct research on the Internet.
KBUS201 Principles of Management 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the principles and practices of management. The study of organisations; The Environment of Organisations; Evolution of Management theory; Management concepts; The Managerial functions of Planning, Leading, Organising, Controlling; Managerial Skills are examined. Managing Individuals in organisations: Managing differences; Motivation; Managing Groups and Teams - Group behavior; Conflict and co-operation; Power and Politics; Leadership; Ethics and Social Responsibility are also examined. Finally, Managing Structure and processes: Organisational structure; Job Design; Restructuring, re-engineering, downsizing; new structural forms of Communications, Careers, Change; Diversity; Knowledge Management are discussed.
KUCS201 Computer Architecture and Low-Level Programming 3 Credits
This course will focus on implementation of arithmetic operations, processor organization, pipelining, fetch and execute cycles, the memory hierarchy, the organization of the classical von Neumann machine and its major functional components, I/O devices, processor organization, Intel 8086 and Motorola 68000 family of processors, instruction set architecture (with hands-on experience in microprocessor design and implementation). Purpose of an Assembler or Low-Level Program and its functions. Writing assembly language or Low-Level programs using an assembler
KUCS203 C++ Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to program design and problem solving using the C programming language. Programming topics include control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and file I/O.
KUCS211 Introduction to Statistics and Probability 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the foundations of statistical analysis. Emphasis will be placed on applications of the methods in the disciplines covered by Management, Finance, and Social Sciences. The contents include the following: Probability and distribution theory; Data collection; Data presentation and analysis; the normal distribution, Goodness of fit; Regression and correlation
KUCS209 Discrete Mathematics 3 Credits
This course gives an understanding and uses (abstract) discrete structures that are the backbone of computer science. In particular, this class is meant to introduce logic, proofs, sets, relations, functions, counting, and probability, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.
KCIT202 Information Technology Resource Planning 3 Credits
This course provides essential strategies and procedures for planning, organizing, staffing, monitoring, and controlling design, development, and production of the system to meet stated IT-related needs in an effective and efficient manner. It fulfills the writing-intensive requirement for BSc in Information Technology.
KUCS202 Data Communication and Networking I 3 Credits
The principles and techniques of computer networks with special reference to interconnections of PC networks and PCs to a host computer are discussed.
Network topologies, Terminal based networks, peer-to-peer, and server based networks. Examples of Network Systems: Arpanet, Ethernet: Contention and CSMA/CD methods and Public Networks, Local Area and Wide Area Networks. Wireless Networks and others. Design and implementation of local area networks: Field measurements, Drawings and building the Network (cabling), connection of switches, cost estimates, subnetting and configurations of IPs, TCP/IP, and the Internet.
KCIT204 Systems Analysis and Design 3 Credits
This course will introduce students to Information Systems Development Life Cycle, emphasizing the analysis and design phases; the role of analyst and designer; practical application of structured systems analysis and design techniques; project stages will be studied using the framework of a common structured development methodology and a case tool, and an introduction to object-oriented methodologies.
KCIT206 Database Management 3 Credits
This course introduces the logical and physical characteristics of data and their organization in computer processing. It emphasizes data as a resource in computer applications and examines database management system (DBMS) software and design, implementation, and use.
KUCS204 Data Structures 3 Credits
This course covers the design and analysis of data structures and associated algorithms using object-oriented methods. Topics to be covered include: Generic types; Linked lists; Stacks and queues; Binary trees; Balanced binary trees; Multi-way trees; B-trees and B+-trees; File organization; Searching and sorting, Set representations; Hashing.
KUCS301 Operating Systems 3 Credits
It covers issues in multiprogramming. Covers concurrent processes and synchronization mechanisms; processor scheduling; memory, file, I/O, and deadlock management; performance of operating systems; and projects dealing with synchronization in multi-programmed OS and virtual memory management. Practices and procedures for installing and configuring modern operating systems, including user accounts, file, print. Students receive real-world experiences with multiple operating systems through lab sessions.
KUCS303 Data Communication and Networking II 3 Credits
This course focuses on the primary aspects of data communications networking, including a study of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and Internet models. Students will start at Layer 1 with the study of various Layer 1 interface and cabling configurations. They will construct and test various cables with connectors. Moving up the OSI layers, students will focus on IP network addressing, network design, and enhanced hands-on router and port configurations. They will also learn security protocols and do static routing, EIGRP, RIPv2, and OSPF configurations.
KUCS305 Object-Oriented Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to programming in the Java language. Topics include problem-solving methods and algorithm development, program structures, abstract data types, simple data and file structures, and program development in a modular, object-oriented manner. Introductory use of OO language features, including data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling. An introduction to Java servlets and applets is included. Emphasis on program development is reinforced through several programming projects.
KCIT301 Software Engineering 3 Credits
This course equips students with a practical set of skills for the development of software systems. The course examines: The software crisis; why projects fail (case studies); design and engineering perspectives; Decomposition and modularity; coding style; naming; configuration; testing; efficiency; Object-oriented design - Design as modeling; The Unified Modelling. Language; use case analysis; class modeling; object interaction; state and activity descriptions; Interaction styles; user models; requirements gathering; prototyping; evaluation; Design challenges - Hazards; risk; reliability; management failure (case studies); Project management - models and metaphors of development; waterfall model, including technical review structure; evolutionary and incremental models (Spiral, RAD, RUP); novel structures (Chief programmer, Pair programming, XP).
KCIT303 Web Technologies I 3 Credits
This course introduces the principles and techniques necessary for successful client-side web development. Topics such as XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, DOM, XML, RSS, and AJAX are presented. Students will learn to develop attractive and interactive web pages and applications and use client-side web-scripting languages to solve problems both with a text editor and a more powerful WYSIWYG HTML editor.
KCIT305 Advanced Databases 3 Credits
This course explores advanced concepts of database modeling using enterprise-level database management system. Topics include object-oriented database processing, data integrity, transactions, locks, concurrency control, backup, recovery, optimization, data mining, Internet databases, server programming, and security.
KCIT302 Applications of Digital Technologies 3 Credits
The course covers an overview of technologies and applications of a wide array of digital components used within state of the art IT systems. Topics include an understanding of the applications of such digital devices embedded within telecommunications systems, storage systems, computing systems, multimedia systems, and computer networks.
KCIT304 Web Application Development 3 Credits
This course teaches how to develop software for web applications. Covers client-server computing, theories of usable graphical user interfaces, and models for web-based information retrieval and processing. Goals are to understand how to design usable software interfaces and implement them on the web, learn how to build software that accepts information from users across the web and returns data to users, and understand how to interact with database engines to store and retrieve information. Specific topics are HTML, CGI programming, Java, Java applets, JavaScript, and Java Servlets.
KCIT306 Computer Crime, Forensics and Auditing 3 Credits
This course covers computer crime, relevant laws, agencies, and standards and examines auditing, logging, forensics, and related software. It also explores legal principles such as chain of evidence, electronic document discovery, eavesdropping, and entrapment. Students get hands-on experience with forensics tools
KUCS302 Management Information Systems 3 Credits
This course is concerned with how information systems have grown from automation of office systems that assist managers to make decisions into a knowledge-based enterprise. It introduces information systems through a survey of information systems technologies and the way they affect management. Management strategies and technical issues will be considered. Students are expected to identify information system needs and participate in its development in order to create a business competitive advantage.
KCIT308 Web Technologies II 3 Credits
This course introduces Rapid Application Development (RAD), client- and server-side scripting for user and database interaction. Students build skills in web application development using different technologies and frameworks. Topics such as session tracking/cookie management, privacy and integrity issues, and web services are also covered.
KUCS306 Research Methods 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide students with a conceptual map for conducting an information technology-focused research project and reporting. It covers the general research processes, identifying a research problem, scoping, design, and implementation of a solution to the problem.
KCIT401 e-Business 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to specify, design, implement, and maintain effective e-Business applications. Topics include: the infrastructure of e-commerce and the design and implementation of e-business portals using network and database technologies; e-business models, risks and risk management, cryptography environment of e-business data/Web mining, and security/encryption techniques for finding and negotiating with trading partners to execute electronic transactions.
KCIT403 IT Entrepreneurship 3 Credits
Entrepreneurship focuses on investigating and analyzing plans for successful implementation and launching of new business ventures. Characteristics of entrepreneurs and the importance of building a variety of topics in small business and entrepreneurship, including, but not limited to marketing, finance, human resources, and operations networks. Topics include: Definitions of smaller enterprises. What constitutes a small or medium-sized enterprise, Economic theories of entrepreneurship, the roles of smaller enterprises, Variety in Entrepreneurship, Common Characteristics that successful Entrepreneurs share, Differences between small and large enterprises.
KCIT405 Information Storage and Management Technologies 3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to the principles of information storage and management technologies. It covers Direct Attached Storage (DAS), networked storage models such as Network Attached Storage (NAS), Storage Area Network (SAN), and Content Addressed Storage (CAS); and applications in business continuity, replication, and disaster recovery. It also includes exposure to real-world storage networking technologies.
KCIT407 Information Security Principles 3 Credits
The course examines security policies, models, and mechanisms for secrecy, integrity, availability, and usage controls. Topics include: models and mechanisms for mandatory, discretionary, and role-based access controls; authentication technologies; control and prevention of viruses and other rogue programs; common system vulnerabilities and countermeasures; privacy and security policies and risk analysis.
KCIT409 Multimedia and Web Design 3 Credits
This provides a study of multimedia systems and applications in the business world. Topics include: multimedia applications, hypertext and hypermedia, audio, graphics, images, and full-motion video; multimedia-ready personal computers and workstations, storage devices, operating systems and graphical user interfaces; communication and networking requirements, multimedia applications on the Internet; file formats, data compression and streaming audio/video; and multimedia authoring tools.
KCIT411Digital Media Editing 3 Credits
This course examines three areas of digital media editing- tools for editing, content and logic decision process, and information technology used by major corporations for development and distribution- through video examples from the entertainment industry and corporate productions as well as hands-on editing experience.
KCIT413 Wireless Communications Networking 3 Credits
This course looks at the fundamental principles underlying wireless data communications. Topics include: wireless transmission basics, radio propagation issues, antennas, digital modulation, spread spectrum techniques and their applications, and popular standards: WiFi, WiMAX and Bluetooth. Discussions on cellular network technologies are also included.
KUCS403 Human Computer Interaction 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the human and computer interaction that exist. The content includes the following: Study modeling techniques for human activity; Evaluate methods on how an interface ought to look like in terms of functionality and fitness for purpose; Methods in order to identify existing or potential problems in human-computer interaction; Tools and techniques, Design methods, hierarchical task analysis, task analysis for knowledge description; Users requirements and modeling. Interaction design processes and heuristic evaluation user interface design; Prototyping and interaction.
KCIT402 IT Project Management 3 Credits
The course introduces software development and management of the development process. Topics include: logical design, physical design, implementation, testing, system integration, maintenance); design techniques (structured, event-driven, object-oriented); implementation; testing and software quality assurance; delivery and user training; metrics for project management and system performance evaluation; managing expectations; personnel management, cost analysis, and change management; management of behavioral and technical project aspects.
KUCS402 Systems Administration and Security 3 Credits
This course will provide the fundamentals in Systems Administration in Unix/Linux environments. Students will learn to install, maintain, and administer a Unix/Linux Operating Systems. It is the intention of this class to introduce students to more advanced concepts in systems administration and security and to provide references, examples, case studies, and resources that will allow them to become more proficient at UNIX/LINUX Operating System and Information Security.
KCIT406 Distributed Systems 3 Credits
Students will be taught the basic concepts in distributed computing in this course. Topics will include: Basic issues in distributed computing, Inter-process communication models, File systems, Transactions Fault-tolerant systems: Failures, risks, and recovery using RAID, methods used to implement fault tolerance. Distributed object computing, computer-based computing, web service and future trends.
KCIT408 Modern Telecommunications 3 Credits
A comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of telecommunications, including current status and future directions of the public switched telephone network, cellular networks, satellite networks, and computer networks will be considered.
KCIT404 Mobile Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the basics of software development for mobile operating systems. A study of development environment, toolchain and programming techniques will be examined. Programming for mobile OS such as Andriod, iOS, and Symbian will be studied.
KBSN101 Human Anatomy I 2 Credits
This course is to introduce the student to the general structure of the human body. The body structure will be studied by organ systems and will involve a balance between gross anatomical study and histology. Form-function relationships will be emphasized. It will describe the structures of the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, digestive, and urinary systems.
KBSN102 Human Anatomy II 2 Credits
This course is a continuation of KBSN 101. The course will help students recognise the normal structure of the human body and apply this knowledge in nursing. Description of the integumentary, respiratory system, endocrine system, nervous system, and the reproductive system, as well as eye, ear, nose, throat, and genetics, will be provided.
KBSN103 Human Physiology I 2 Credits
This course is to introduce the student to the general function of the human body. It will describe the functions of the skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system, digestive system and urinary system. This course will seek to broaden the students understanding of the various systems in the body.
KBSN104 Human Physiology II 2 Credits
This course is a continuation of KBSN103. The course will help students recognise the normal function of the human body and apply this knowledge in nursing. Description of the functions of the integumentary, respiratory, endocrine, nervous, reproductive systems, eye, ear, nose, throat and genetics are provided.
KBSN105 Fundamentals of Nursing 2 Credits
The course introduces students to the nursing process alongside the principles of physical, biological, and social sciences. Basic concepts of nursing and nursing skills are introduced and practiced in the Nursing Skills Laboratory to give students hands-on experience to the principles and concepts studied.
KBSN106 Introduction to Community Health Nursing 2 Credits
This course introduces students to the history, processes and methods of community health nursing. Students will discuss the concepts of health, personal and environmental health. They will also develop competencies in promoting health in the community and manage home accidents. Students will be expected to select a community or group and examine their environmental health practices.
KBSN107 Psychology for Nurses 2 Credits
This course introduces students to some concepts in psychology, which are required in understanding human behaviour and providing nursing care to individuals and families. It will examine theories underlying human behaviour, the physical, cognitive and psychosocial factors influencing human responses to illness and health will be explored.
KBSN108 First Aid, Trauma and Emergency Nursing 2 Credits
This course introduces students to the theoretical aspects of basic life support skills, including Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to help students develop sufficient knowledge to be able to respond effectively and confidently in an emergency situation. This course is designed to give students the chance to gain an in-depth understanding of the nature of emergency nursing and the role of a nurse in meeting different needs of patients. It provides the students with knowledge that will help them to provide efficient nursing care during emergency and disaster situations either in pre-hospital settings or in a hospital settings and also in disasters.
KBSN109 Professional Adjustment in Nursing 2 Credits
This course is designed to equip the student nurse with the history, development and legal aspect of the profession. It also helps the nurse to acquaint himself or herself with professional conduct, the statutory bodies of nursing and appreciate the spiritual, physical, psychological and socio-economic needs of the patients. The course also provides information on basic principles underlying health and disease in nursing and enables the student to develop the requisite skills and positive attitude to meet the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of the patient.
KBSN111 Adolescent Health 2 Credits
This course introduces students to the biological and psychological developmental processes of adolescent. Students will also discuss the major health issues affecting the adolescent and are expected to study and explore a variety of aspects of adolescence health, and development. This knowledge will help the student to develop skills to analyze the public health issues of adolescence through developing conceptual frameworks and evidence-based interventions and to recommend effective solutions and interventions.
KBSN112 Introduction to Mental Health Nursing 2 Credits
This course is designed to introduce the student nurse to the basic concepts in mental health care. It consists of various concepts used in psychiatric/mental health nursing which will assist the student to understand the behaviours of clients. This is an introduction to the practical body of knowledge that constitutes the art and science of mental health nursing.
KBSN113 Nursing and Midwifery Informatics 2 Credits
This course provides students with the basic skills in understanding Health/Medical Informatics and its application in nursing and midwifery practice in Ghana. The course introduces the definition of data, information and knowledge and well as what defines a system and a model. It places emphasis on electronic patient record management, taxonomies, privacy confidentiality, security and the ethical issues relating to patient information.
KBSN114 Introduction to French 1 Credit
This course is designed to enhance the ability of students to communicate effectively in the French language.
KBSN116 Nursing Practical I 3 Credits
This course will expose the students to clinical and field experiences in emergency and trauma care, primary health care and mental health. The purpose of practical placement in this course is to enable students to gain skills in basic nursing within the different clinical areas. It will be offered partly during the semester for two weeks and continued during the long vacation for a period of six weeks. They will be placed in the medical/surgical units and the polyclinics during the semester. During the long vacation, students will be placed in medical/surgical units of affiliated hospitals for two weeks and they will also work in polyclinics for two weeks and psychiatric hospitals for two weeks.
KREQ210 Academic Writing Skills II 3 Credits
This course seeks to consolidate a student’s understanding of Academic Writing Skills. It is a follow up to Academic Writing Skills I. It will equip students with the language skills that will enable them to read and write effectively. Students will be taken through fundamental issues in grammar and composition in order to strengthen their language skills in these areas. Reading and writing skills relevant to university work will be introduced. These will include the structure of the essay, unity, completeness, and coherence in essay writing. Emphasis will be placed on class activities and group work, oral presentations, and extensive practical assignments.
KBSN201 Medical Nursing I 2 Credits
This course introduces students to the study of disease and disorders of man, including symptoms of illness and methods of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. The course introduces students to medical conditions of the integumentary, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems. The content is taught through lectures, films, demonstrations, and supervised clinical experience. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of individual patients, as determined by the nursing process. The conditions will be discussed with reference to the definition, types, incidence, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic investigations, differential diagnosis, management, complications and prevention.
KBSN202 Medical Microbiology and Parasitology 2 Credits
This course introduces students to the relationships between microbes and human life. It focuses on both harmful as well as beneficial effects of microorganisms. It will explore the etiology of infectious diseases, their clinical manifestation, and routes of transmission, treatment and recent techniques in the detection and identification of pathogenic microorganisms. Students will be exposed to investigations of microbial diseases of the skin, digestive tract, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
KBSN203 Biochemistry 2 Credits
This course introduces students to the molecular basis of life. It focuses on basic concepts in biochemistry such as the four major classes of biological molecules: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. The emphasis will be on the chemical properties and three-dimensional structure of these molecules in relation to their biological function.
KBSN204 Medical Nursing II 2 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to develop competencies in managing patients with medical conditions of the respiratory, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. The content is taught through lectures, films, demonstrations, and supervised clinical experience. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of individual patients, as determined by the nursing process. The conditions will be discussed with reference to the definition, types, incidence, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic investigations, differential diagnosis, management, complications and prevention.
KBSN205 Surgical Nursing I 2 Credits
This course is designed to help students build competencies in managing surgical conditions of the integumentary, gastrointestinal and endocrine systems as well as inflammatory conditions and also in theatre nursing. The content is taught through lectures, films, demonstrations, and supervised clinical experience. The conditions will be discussed with reference to the definition, types, incidence, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic investigations, differential diagnosis, pre-operative, intraoperative and postoperative management, complications, and prevention.
KBSN206 Surgical Nursing II 2 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to develop competencies in managing patients with surgical conditions of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems. The conditions will be discussed with reference to the definition, types, incidence, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic investigations, differential diagnosis, pre, intra and post-operative management, complications and prevention.
KBSN207 Pharmacology I 2 Credits
This course aims to ensure that students have a sound understanding of basic pharmacology principles and practices. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics principles will be taught using clinical examples. Reasons for individual variation, drug monitoring, and types of adverse drug reactions will be discussed using interactive and problem-based scenarios. Students will also learn and reflect on medication compliance, why medication errors occur, and will discuss safe prescribing guidelines. Students will have increased knowledge and understanding of drug regulation in Ghana and internationally. Students will gain a good understanding of the mechanisms of action and effects of recreational misused drugs.
KBSN208 Occupational Health 2 Credits
This course is aimed at assisting students to develop competencies in providing school, occupational, and outreach services. It will provide students with the knowledge-based on occupational health and it will focus on occupational hazards in Ghana. The problems of the school child, care of the physically /psychologically impaired will also be discussed. Students will be assigned in groups to undertake a school health service within the community.
KBSN209 Theoretical Foundation of Nursing 2 Credits
This course is designed to provide a professional basis for nursing practice. The objectives of nursing theories are discussed in terms of their significance to the practice of professional nursing. An overview of current theories of nursing is also presented. The aim is to enable learners’ nurses to examine current conceptual models in nursing and the relationship of empirical data and existing theories to the nursing practice.
KBSN211 Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases 2 Credits
This course provides the student with the knowledge base and skills in the prevention and care of individuals/families with communicable diseases. It will focus on the surveillance, identification, control, and prevention of selected infectious diseases of public health importance. Specific areas that may be addressed include the causative agent, the routes of transmission, the host responses, environmental factors, unique risk factors, outbreak investigations, surveillance, strategies for control and prevention, methods for evaluating interventions and control efforts, culture, politics, and economics.
KBSN212 Pharmacology II 2 Credits
This course is a continuation of KBSN 207 and it aims to ensure that students have a sound understanding of basic pharmacology principles and practices. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics principles will be taught using clinical examples. Reasons for individual variation, drug monitoring, and types of adverse drug reactions will be discussed using interactive and problem-based scenarios. Students will also learn and reflect on medication compliance, why medication errors occur, and will discuss safe prescribing guidelines. Students will have increased knowledge and understanding of drug regulation in Ghana and internationally. Students will gain a good understanding of the mechanisms of action and effects of recreational misused drugs.
KBSN213 Nursing Practical II 3 Credits
This practical course is aimed at giving the students the opportunity to gain competencies in the medical/surgical and pediatric nursing. Students will also gain skills in the management of pregnant women during the antenatal, labour and puerperium. It will be offered partly during the semester for three weeks and it will continue during the inter-semester break for another three weeks.
KBSN214 Therapeutic Communication 2 Credits
This course will furnish the student nurse with the appropriate verbal and non-verbal behaviours necessary in professional interpersonal interactions with parents, families, health team members and the community.
KBSN215 Pathology 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the study of biochemical, structural and functional changes in cells, tissues and organs, which cause or are caused by diseases. The goal of the course will be to expand and extend the student’s knowledge of normal structure and function, into the realm of disease processes. The course also provides a foundation for understanding the medical science literature.
KBSN216 Nursing Practical III 3 Credits
This practical course is aimed at giving the students the opportunity to apply the nursing process in caring for patients with conditions of the integumentary, digestive and endocrine systems. There will also be placed at the labour ward. It will be offered partly during the semester for three weeks and continued during the long vacation break for a period of six weeks.
KBSN217 Introduction to Sign language 1 Credit
This course is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills in sign language. It will also help the student to communicate effectively with the hearing-impaired clients for inclusiveness or integration in the health care delivery. This course is non-scoring.
KBSN219 Supply Chain Management 2 Credits
This course is designed to give students in-depth knowledge of health supply management, supply chain strategies, production management, and supply chain system slacks. It will expose students to the challenges involved in managing supply chains and understand the complexity of inter-firm and intra firm coordination.
KBSN301 Principles and Practice of Health Assessment 2 Credits
This course is introduced to students to equip them with the skills needed to assess the basic health status of individuals of varying ages. These skills can be applied to nursing care in a wide variety of clinical settings. The course emphasizes history taking and physical assessment skills and includes weekly laboratory sessions where students are taught the various assessment techniques/approaches of the different systems of the human body.
KBSN302 Medical Nursing III 2 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to develop competencies in managing patients with medical conditions of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. The content is taught through lectures, films, demonstrations, and supervised clinical experience. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of individual patients, as determined by the nursing process. The conditions will be discussed with reference to the definition, types, incidence, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic investigations, differential diagnosis, management, complications and prevention.
KBSN303 Nutrition and Dietetics 2 Credits
The course focuses on the basic principles of human nutrition and the relationships between nutrition and chronic diseases. It will examine the large body of evidence demonstrating the linkage between diet and health as well as illness.
KBSN304 Surgical Nursing III 2 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to develop competencies in managing patients with surgical conditions of the nervous, musculoskeletal systems and cancers. The conditions will be discussed with reference to the definition, types, incidence, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic investigations, differential diagnosis, pre inta and postoperative management, complications and prevention. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of individual patients, as determined by the nursing process.
KBSN305 Advanced Clinical Nursing I 2 Credits
This course will enable students to develop competences in preparing patients for various diagnostic procedures, setting trays and trolleys for various therapeutic procedures. There will be concurrent practical skills demonstrations and the focus will be on procedures of the respiratory, cardiovascular, genitourinary integumentary, and gastrointestinal systems.
KBSN306 Advanced Clinical Nursing II 2 Credits
This course is a continuation of KBSN 305. It aims at assisting students to develop competencies in preparing patients for various diagnostic procedures, setting trays and trolleys for various therapeutic procedures. There will be concurrent practical skills demonstrations and the focus will be on procedures of the endocrine, neurologic, musculoskeletal and sensory-neural systems.
KBSN307 Paediatric Nursing I 2 Credits
This course introduces the student to the care of the well-child, the child with special needs, and the child with acute and chronic health care needs. A strong emphasis on maintaining the dignity of the child and promoting healthy growth and development, even during illness, will be evident. Students will also examine the role of the family and the importance of it to the care of the child. Clinicals will focus on both well children and children with health care needs.
KBSN308 Paediatric Nursing II 2 Credits
This course introduces the student to the care of the well-child, the child with special needs and the child with acute and chronic health care needs. Students will also examine the role of the family and the importance of it to the care of the child. This course is also designed to provide students with knowledge and skills to identify and to manage the high-risk neonate, recognize emergency conditions and take appropriate actions. It also provides students with the knowledge and skills in managing medical and surgical conditions in children.
KBSN309 Relationship Marketing Strategy and Entrepreneurship 2 Credits
This course focuses on creating competitive advantage in the market place and emphasises the need to create vigorous customer-centered perspectives with explicit attention towards building and maintaining long-term client-patient relationship. It also introduces students to the concepts, theories and practice of entrepreneurship in business organisations as well as non-profit making organisation.
KBSN311 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing 2 Credits
This course explores learning experiences that promote satisfactory assimilation of fundamental mental health and mental illness concepts in their delivery of the nursing process with clients and family systems. Learning experiences with a clinical component will be provided for students to demonstrate mental health nursing care to clients with self-care deficits within the wholly and partially compensatory and educative-supportive nursing system.
KBSN312 Nursing Research Methods 3 Credits
This course would introduce students to a critical appraisal of research in nursing practice. Methodological issues related to research problem conceptualization; design selection; sampling; instrument development; data management and analysis will be discussed. Emphasis is placed on understanding the research process and on critiquing nursing research articles for the purpose of evaluating applicability to nursing practice. Interpretation and dissemination of research findings and advocacy and accountability in the conduct and use of research proposals are stressed. In this course, students are also introduced to the practical approach of research to understand the realities of what it is to undertake a research study.
KBSN313 Sexual and Reproductive Health 2 Credits
This course aims to provide students with knowledge and critical understanding of the concepts of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and SRH services and the key issues in local and international SRH, including those that arose at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo. It explores SRH in the contexts of human rights, equity, gender equality, and health systems and policies, and discusses the link between SRH and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
KBSN314 Principles and Management of Major Psychiatry Disorders 2 Credits
The course is designed to introduce students to the principles of psychiatric nursing and to assist students to plan and to deliver care that will stabilize the client with major psychiatry conditions and to facilitate the reintegration of the client into the community. The conditions will be discussed under the following headings: description, causes, types, and management.
KBSN315 Community Health 2 Credits
This course will equip students with the knowledge and skills relating to community health practices. Students will be taken through community diagnosis, mobilization, organization, and participation. The sources of community data, measurement of morbidity and mortality, and health indices will be discussed. Students will be assigned in groups to carry out a community study as part of the course.
KBSN316 Obstetrics/Gynaecological Nursing 3 Credits
This course is designed to equip the students with knowledge on the concept and principles of midwifery and obstetrical and gynaecological nursing. It will help them to acquire knowledge and skills in rendering nursing care to normal and high risk pregnant women during antenatal, natal and post-natal periods in hospital and community settings. It will also assist them to develop skills in managing normal and high risk neonates and participate in family welfare programmes.
KBSN317 Nursing Practical IV 3 Credits
This course offers students the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired in performing various medical and surgical nursing procedures and health assessment. It will be offered partly during the semester for two weeks and continued during the inter semester break for six weeks. Students will be placed in medical/ surgical units, psychiatric units’ public health neonatal intensive care units and Intensive care units of affiliated hospitals.
KBSN318 Nursing Practical V 2 Credits
This course is designed to equip students with advance practical nursing experience with specific medical and surgical conditions. It will also equip them with skills in managing patient’s pre, intra and post operatively. They will be placed at the general medical/surgical wards and the specialized operating theatres during the semester. Students will have psychiatric, obstetric and gynaecological nursing experiences during the long vacation.
KBSN400 Project Work I 3 Credits
BSc. Nursing students shall be required to undertake a research study on a chosen topic in health. This course is designed to test the student’s ability to identify a health problem and research into that problem. The course is aimed at testing the ability of students to utilize the acquired skills on research methods to search for literature, collect data and produce a standard scientific project work. The student is expected to present the research topic for approval and carry out the research under the supervision of an assigned lecturer.
KBSN410 Project Work II 3 Credits
This course is a continuation of KBSN I. It is designed to test the student’s ability to identify a health problem and research into that problem. The course is aimed at testing the ability of students to utilize the acquired skills on research methods to search for literature, collect data and produce a standard scientific project work. The student is expected to present the research topic for approval and carry out the research under the supervision of an assigned lecturer. The project will take a maximum of two semesters and at the end of the second semester, two copies of the typed project work will be submitted for assessment, signed by the student and approved by the supervisor.
KBSN401 Biostatistics 2 Credits
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of statistics and inference. It introduces students to the basic ideas of data presentation, descriptive statistics, linear regression and inferential statistics including confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. The course will also examine the principles used in data collection, the key properties and logic underlying significance tests and confidence intervals, and some of the most commonly-used inference procedures.
KBSN402 Trans-cultural Nursing 2 Credits
This course provides students with an introduction to the theory of trans-cultural nursing. This course is designed to assist nursing students in learning about culture, belief systems, values, and practices that are specific to identified cultures, in order to better understand and provide nursing care that is both culturally competent and culturally sensitive in nature. The course will equip students to get a better understanding of individuals and groups with different backgrounds.
KBSN403 Nursing Seminar 2 Credits
This course is designed to provide the learners with an overview of critical professional and ethical issues confronting the nursing profession within health care. It is also intended to encourage the learners to reflect on contemporary issues affecting professional practice, nursing care, education, and research and to discuss strategies for enhancement of the nursing profession. Opportunities available in professional nursing will be explored and prepare the learners for the challenges that await them in the workplace. Moreover, this course also provides an avenue for their professional growth which will help them in role transition from learners to practice situations. Students will be assigned to groups for class presentation.
KBSN404 Gerontological Nursing 2 Credits
This course presents variations in the aging process and their impact on health, wellness, mobility, communication, and cognition. Using simulation and clinical experiences, students will learn how to apply research-based strategies to provide safe and quality care to culturally diverse adult and aging patients in hospitals and skilled care facilities.
KBSN405 Curriculum Development in Nursing Education 3 Credits
This course is designed to give the student an understanding of curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation in schools of nursing. Factors influencing curriculum development and learning are examined in relation to nursing education. The course will equip students with knowledge and skills to critique nursing curricular at various levels.
KBSN406 Administration of Nursing Services and School 3 Credits
The course provides the students with knowledge and skills in the administration of nursing services and schools. It identifies administrative problems during the care of the patient and how to organize resources and utilize them efficiently to achieve goals. It will also help the students to describe the roles of the Ministry of Health and its agencies in the health care delivery system.
KBSN407 Tools and Methods for Teaching Nursing 2 Credits
This course introduces the student to the theory, philosophy and principles of teaching and learning. It is designed to equip nursing students with the knowledge and skills that the nurse educator requires in order to translate curriculum objectives into measurable outcomes. Students will be introduced to the major teaching and learning strategies.
KBSN408 Palliative Care 2 Credits
The course provides an intensive historical, socio-political, and cultural perspective of the personal, professional, societal, cultural, spiritual, and ethical/legal issues related to serious illness and the end of life. The philosophy, principles, and models of palliative care are studied and analysed, as well as the role of the advanced practice nurse and others in a caring society. Students develop an understanding of the processes of illness, coping, facing death, and quality of life at various stages of the life cycle. Students develop communication and counseling strategies, and other bio/psycho/social/spiritual strategies to maximize quality of life and assist individuals and families while receiving care for serious illness in various settings.
KBSN409 Nursing Practical VI 3 Credits
This course is designed to equip the student with advanced practice nursing experience with specific medical and surgical conditions. The students will be placed at the psychiatry unit, geriatric ward, gynecological emergency, Female Out Patient Department, and the maternity wards of the various affiliated hospitals. Students are expected to work 6 hours in a day, 5 days a week and for a period three weeks during the semester and for 6 weeks during the long vacation.
KBSN412 Teaching Practice 3 Credits
This course is the practical component of KBSN411. It has been designed to expose students to an array of methods appropriate for teaching. It is aimed at equipping students with the skills in teaching. Students will be given the opportunity to practice teaching in the classroom setting and they will be evaluated initially by their peers to finetune their skills and then be evaluated and graded by their lectures.
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Knutsford Announces Fall 2020 Restoration Plan Following Months-Long Campus Closures June 15, 2020 | 2 min ...
View MoreKnutsford Introduces Summer 2020 Online Centered Classroom Series July 7, 2020 | 2 min read The Institute for Entrepreneurial and Incubation Education at Knutsford University, in partnership ...
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