Computer Science scholars ask questions such as: Can we build computers that think like humans? How can we improve computer games that feature evolving characters? What is the future of augmented reality?
Computer science is a field of theoretical and practical problem solving, combining creativity with mathematics, logic and communication. A strong understanding of computer science principles helps prepare you for a long career of problem-solving and system building without requiring continual training.
During the course of your studies, you will actively be solving problems and building new programs in class and tutorial labs. Students interested in gaining experience with computer science research may pursue opportunities to work in research laboratories, either as a volunteer or as part of research courses.
As a computer science graduate, you'll be prepared for career opportunities in areas such as the civil service, the non-profit sector, and the business world. A degree in computer science can also be used as a stepping-stone to graduate studies or another professional degree such as law, medicine, veterinary medicine, or education.
Software Design and Development, Databases and Database Management, Data Networks and Communication, IT Security, Entrepreneurship and IT Project Management.
Minimum of four (4) years and maximum of six (6) years
Based on the level of entry, the credits required for the award of first degree are as follows:
Core Courses (Department's Requirement) | - | 102 credits |
Electives Courses | - | 6 credits |
Mandatory Courses (Univ. Requirement) | - | 18 credits |
Research Project | - | 6 credits |
Total | - | 132 credits |
This is a 4-year undergraduate programme in Computer Science. In the first two years of study, students are required to take courses such as Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Business Administration and Introduction to Public Administration. In the third and final years, however, students take courses such as Software Design and Development, Databases and Database Management, Data Networks and Communication, IT Security, Entrepreneurship, and IT Project Management.
The overall goal of the programme is to provide broad-based education to computer science students who will produce graduates equipped to apply best practices in software design, research and implementation to a wide range of software and computer systems in organizations.
In fulfilling this, the program is designed to:
More specifically, the programme aims at developing technical competencies in the area of Software Design and Development, Databases and Database Management, Data Networks and Communication, IT Security, Entrepreneurship, and IT Project Management.
The objectives of the programme are to train students who will be able to:
Demonstrate a sound understanding of the fundamental principles, theories, and practices both in the computer industry and in the academic field.
Demonstrate a high level of expertise in the use of computer hardware and software systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles underlying the design and the performance of computer hardware and software.
Develop, test, document, and maintain software and further evaluate computer applications.
Effectively communicate ideas, proposals, and designs to colleagues and to potential users.
Produce graduates who can function effectively as part of a project team involved in programming, system analysis and design, database, networking, web technology, multimedia, and mobile applications.
Align the dynamic nature of digital technology (innovation) to businesses or organizations.
Recognize business opportunity that enables them to develop IT services for commercial gain. Pursue higher degrees in Computer Science and related areas.
Develop the requisite skills for undertaking research-based IT projects.
KREQ110 Critical & Theological Thinking Skills 3 Credits
The objective of the course is to equip students with skills that will enable them to think critically before making choices and decisions in today’s complex world. This multi-disciplinary course aims at providing the critical thinking skills. The course introduces students to the principles, concepts and tools of good reasoning and decision-making. Judgments are evaluated and processes examined in context. The course is structured in two modules. Module I focuses on philosophical, psychological and sociological thoughts and tools available for critical thinking and cognitive development. Emphasis is laid on arguments; its nature, uses, and impacts. Details include: Critical Thinking Concepts and Propositions; Language and its uses: Truth and Validity; Definitions; Recognising Arguments: Premises and Conclusions; Logical Analysis and Evaluation of Arguments; Fallacies and Methods of their Debunking; Categorical Prepositions and Categorical Syllogism; and Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Module II introduces students to basic theological themes that relate to issues discussed in Module I.
KREQ120 Academic Writing I 3 Credits
This course develops students’ ability to listen attentively and to communicate effectively with clarity and precision to context. The skills developed are not only critical to their academic success but also their professional career and life-long success. The course begins with an introduction to basic issues in grammar and composition including grammatical structures such as the parts of speech and punctuations, their combinations, usage and functions in written and verbal situations; and also the forms of writing such as: Narrative, Discursive, Argumentative, Expository and Descriptive. Reading and writing skills relevant to academic and professional work are then introduced. These will include the structure, unity, completeness and coherence in essay writing; summarizing as a skill basic to exposition, writing from sources, referencing skills and avoiding plagiarism. Emphasis will be placed on class activities and group work, oral presentations and extensive practical assignments.
KREQ130 Numeracy Skills 3 Credits
This course is designed for students in the humanities. It aims at developing students’ ability to apply mathematical thinking in order to solve a range of problems in everyday situations. Building on a sound mastery of numeracy, the emphasis is on selected topics from basic Arithmetic, Algebra, Rates (fractions, proportions and percentages); Approximating Numbers (rounding up of numbers and significant numbers); Mathematical Reasoning, (inductive and deductive reasoning); Statements; Truth Tables; Necessary and Sufficient Conditions; Basic Set Theory; Nature and Uses of Statistics; Sources of Data; Data Types and Measurement Scales; Methods of Data Manipulation (aggregation & interpretation); Basic Probability with Illustrations from various disciplines; Establishing Relationships between Variables and the use of Basic Computer Packages such as Excel in analysing data.
KREQ150 Understanding Human Societies 3 Credits
The course is designed for students pursuing science-related Programmes at the undergraduate level. The aim of the course is to introduce students to the broad array of issues that shape human societies. It assists students to gain knowledge on the evolution of human society. It is also designed to help students to understand some macroeconomic issues with particular reference to the Ghanaian economy.
KREQ160 Science and Technology in Our Lives 3 Credits
This course deals with the application of science to everyday life. The course will, therefore include material to assist students to appreciate the foundations of scientific thought, the application of science and technology and the demands of changing societies for scientific and technological advancement. The course is expected to foster broad familiarity with key advances in science and technology. The course will be delivered through lectures, tutorials, class exercises, homework assignments, and examinations.
The course is divided into two modules. All students are required to take both modules.
Module I
This module gives a general overview of the application of science and technology to everyday living, and will last for five (5) weeks.
Module II
This Module will last for eight (8) weeks and comprises the following four areas:
I.Earth Resources
II.Food and Nutrition in everyday Life
III.Everyday Physics and Animals as Friends of Humans
Students are required to select one of the three areas above
KREQ210 Academic Writing II 3 Credits
This course builds on Academic Writing I - KURC 103. It is designed to further develop students’ language and communication skills. The course is divided into two modules. All students are required to take both modules. Module I presents more advanced reading, writing, and analysis of task carried out in KURC 103, and it lasts for six weeks (Week 1-6). Module II provides students with the opportunity to build writing competency in any one of the three concentrations on offer. The three areas are: Academic Writing for: Business, Humanities, and Science and Technology. The module lasts for seven weeks (week 7-13).
i) Academic Writing for Business
This concentration presents more advanced reading, written, and analysis in the context of the study of business and economics. Emphasis is laid on critical analysis, accurate summary and paraphrase, and appropriate methods of citation, and students will be asked to consider a variety of business-related texts from a critical standpoint. In this class, students will read and analyze case studies leading to individual business-related research while working on oral presentation skills.
ii)Academic Writing for the Social Sciences
This concentration presents more advanced reading and writing tasks, including those related in particular to conducting research and writing in the social Sciences. Emphasis will be on: Developing close reading skills appropriate for long and complex academic articles; Learning how to find, classify, and evaluate a variety of sources; Paraphrasing, summarizing and synthesizing information from multiple sources; Demonstrating sound argumentation skills; Drawing logical inferences and conclusions from textual evidence; Avoiding plagiarism by successfully referring to and building upon the ideas of others; Integrating basic data analysis into an argumentative paper; Learning how to compose critical ‘texts’ for a variety of purposes and audiences as they relate to peoples’ literacy practices in new digital communication environments (multimodality).
iii)Academic Writing for Science and Technology
This concentration uses texts from science, medicine and engineering to allow students to practice organizing and synthesizing ideas, reporting on technical methods and results and explaining technical and scientific ideas to scientific and non-technical audiences. In addition to the textbook and texts provided by the instructor, students will bring in texts from their field of study and/or interest to use as models and sources. They will study these texts and produce a variety of texts of their own in order to practice the style and methods appropriate for technical discourse in science, medicine, and engineering.
KREQ220 Africa and World Development 3 Credits
This interdisciplinary course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge and understanding of Africa and world development. Part I examines the ideas, history, events, policy debates and practical interventions that are shaping the economic, social and political direction of world development today.
This part will last for four weeks.
Part II examines the histories, people and cultures of Africa and its development in the context of global development and discusses what measures are needed as a way forward for Africa’s development. The general introduction will take two weeks after which students will be required to take one of these modules:
Gender Issues in Africa’s Development
Introduction to Leadership in Africa
Introduction to African Theatre Arts
i)Gender Issues in Africa’s Development
This module will introduce students to key concepts and issues in gender and development with specific reference to Africa. The main objective of this module is to help students appreciate the gendered nature of African societies, how this impacts development and state as well as state and civil society responses to gender inequalities. The course will cover topics such as why we deal with gender issues in African studies and key gender concepts and make a case for transforming relations on the basis of three justifications – citizenship rights and the constitution, development imperatives and the promotion of gender-equitable cultures. It argues that development is not a neutral process, but impacts men and women differently. Key topics will include men and women’s access to resources in Africa such as land, labour, credit, time and social capital, production and reproduction. The module will also examine the gendered implications of natural resource management and sustainable development as well as decision making. It will further examine state and civil society responses to gender issues in Africa. The main objective of this foundation course is to sensitize students to gender issues and enable students recognize and understand the relevance of gender as a development issue and how gender inequalities negatively affect development.
ii)Introduction to Leadership in Africa
Good leaders are expected to solve new problems that arise in their domain and the changing landscape of business. Leadership is a complex process by which the leader influences others to perform and achieve. Leadership attributes – beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge and skills – are all traits which can be learned. This course provides the basis for understanding what leadership is and what leaders do to be successful. The course particularly seeks to make students understand traditional and contemporary concepts and practices of leadership in Africa.
iii)Introduction to African Theatre Arts
The course provides a balanced theatre arts programme that guides students to achieve the standards in the performing arts. Theatre courses will emphasize artistic perception and creative expression. They will promote understanding of aesthetic valuing, historical and cultural awareness, and the interconnections of the arts and other disciplines. Students will be trained in the fundamental skills of the theatre arts, including improvisation techniques, body control, voice, diction, pantomime, learning of lines, creation of character, projection of ideas and emotions, dance and preparation and acting of scenes from plays. Acting projects will provide positive groups experiences in collaborative assignments, developing self-discipline, evaluating the performances of others, and accepting constructive criticism. Instruction develops language skills and appreciation through reading dramatic literature; using written critiques; writing dramatic scenes, character analyses, play reports, and introductions; observing with sensitivity; listening critically; and speaking effectively.
KREQ400: Research Project/Project Work 6 Credits
The Project work provides the students with the opportunity to select and study a research problem and present their findings logically and systematically in a clear and concise manner. The selected topic must deal with a problem involving the use of analytic or predictive models leading to sound generalizations and deductions. The course, therefore, equips students with skills and knowledge of (a) a good understanding of relevant methodology and literature, (b) the significance and relevance of the problem, (c) a logical and sound analysis and (d) a clear and effective presentation.
KUCS101 Introduction to Computer Science 3 Credits
The course provides a brief introduction to computer science. Topics include: Types of computers and their Historical developments; Number systems: Binary, Octal and hexadecimal conversions; representation of integer and real numbers; 1’s and 2’s Complement representation, floating-point and IEEE precision numbers; Computer Hardware: The Central Processor Unit its main elements and their functions. Machine organization, introduction to programming: design of algorithms and flowcharts.
KUCS103 Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computer science, problem solving, algorithm and program design, data types, loops, control structures, subprograms, and arrays. Students will learn to write programs in a high level programming language and an appreciation of current social and ethical aspects of computer science.
KUCS105 Calculus I 3 Credits
The course, Calculus I, introduces students to the basic concepts in calculus. Topics include a brief review of polynomials, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, followed by a discussion of limits, derivatives, and applications of differential calculus to real-world problem areas. An introduction to integration concludes the course.
KUCS106 Calculus II 3 Credits
This course introduces students to advanced concepts in calculus. Topics include an overview of integration, basic techniques for integration, a variety of applications of integration, and an introduction to (systems of) differential equations.
KUCS104 Programming in Visual Basic 3 Credits
This course will build on the fundamentals of structured and object-oriented programming. It covers client and server-side scripting languages and an SQL database management system. Students will use open-source software tools to develop database-enabled web applications.
KCIT104 Ethical and Legal Issues in IT 3 Credits
The course examines the legal, social, and ethical issues surrounding software development and computer use. Professional conduct, social responsibility and rigorous standards for software testing and reliability will be stressed. Issues such as liability, intellectual property rights, security and crime will be examined in the context of computer use. Students are expected to conduct research on the Internet.
KUCS201 Digital Electronics I 3 Credits
This course exposes students to basic analogue and digital electronics as related to hardware. Topic covered include: Electric field and potential; capacitors and Dielectrics; Newton Theorems: Kirchhoff’s laws, Superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and reciprocity theorems, Delta-star and star-delta transformations; magnetic induction: Ampere’s law, Boit-Savart law, self and mutual inductance, electronic oscillation; alternating currents; Power and resonance in ac circuits.
KUCS205 Computer Architecture and Low-Level Programming 3 Credits
This course will study topics such as: Computer system specification; Performance issues; Instruction set selection; ALU design; Architecture design; Data path selection; Control systems; Single and multiple clocks Pipelines; Memory hierarchy; I/O architectures. Digital logic: transistors, gates, and combinatorial circuits; clocks; registers and register banks; arithmetic-logic units; data representation: big-endian and little-endian integers; ones and twos complement arithmetic; signed and unsigned values; Von-Neumann architecture and bottleneck; instruction sets. Purpose of an Assembler or Low-Level Program and its functions. Writing assembly language or Low-Level programs using an assembler.
KUCS207 C++ Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to program design and problem solving using the C programming language. Programming topics include control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and file I/O. Students will use C++ to implement the basic concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP).
KUCS203 Database I 3 Credits
This course is intended to give students a solid background in database systems. Topics include data modeling, database design theory, data definition and manipulation languages, storage and indexing techniques, query processing and optimization, concurrency control and recovery, normalization and relationship, and database programming interfaces. Besides relational databases and XML, this course also samples a number of other topics related to data management, such as Web search, data warehousing, data mining, and data privacy. Programming projects are required.
KUCS209 Discrete Mathematics 3 Credits
This course gives an understanding and uses (abstract) discrete structures that are the backbone of computer science. In particular, this class is meant to introduce logic, proofs, sets, relations, functions, counting, and probability, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.
KUCS202 Computer Systems 3 Credits
The course introduces students to the various hardware and peripherals that go to make a computer system. Interfacing devices and processing techniques. Types of Computers and configurations; Computer Hardware: System Unit, Input and Output devices, File and Secondary Storage, System and Application Software. Computer Networks, Communication Technologies, Introduction to Internet Technologies, Processing Techniques and Data Transfer. Computers and Society: Social Impact, Cyber Crimes and Ethics.
KUCS204 Digital Electronics II 3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to digital logic related to computer hardware. Topic includes: Boolean Algebra and logic gates, simplification of logic functions, Truth Tables; Karnaugh graphs, DeMorgan’s rules; synchronous flip flops: D, T and JK flip flops; asynchronous state machines in terms of RS flip flops; characteristics of diodes, NMOS and PMOS field-effect transistors; structure and use of programmable logic arrays (PLAs), etc.
KUCS206 Data Communication and Networking I 3 Credits
The principles and techniques of computer networks with special reference to interconnections of PC networks and PCs to a host computer are discussed.
Network topologies, Terminal based networks, peer-to-peer and server-based networks. Examples of Network Systems: Arpanet, Ethernet: Contention and CSMA/CD methods and Public Networks, Local Area and Wide Area Networks. Wireless Networks etc.
Design and implementation of local area networks: Field measurements, Drawings and building the Network (cabling), connection of switches, cost estimates, subnetting and configurations of IPs. TCP/IP and the Internet.
KUCS208 Database II 3 Credits
This course gives students exposure to the implementation of relational database management systems. Topics covered include: Database design algorithms; Query implementation; Execution and optimization; Transaction processing; Concurrency control; Recovery; Distributed query processing; Database security; Deductive databases, parallel databases; Knowledge discovery/data mining, data warehousing.
KUCS212 Formal Methods and Models 3 Credits
The course gives students practice in precise thinking and proof methods that play a role in the analysis of algorithms. Programming assignments in Prolog and other programming languages provide practical experience with these theoretical topics. Topics include: Propositional Logic and Proofs; Predicate Logic and Proofs; Program Verification; Prolog; Finite Automata, Regular Expressions; Context-Free Grammars; Turing Machines and Solvability.
KUCS214 Data Structure 3 Credits
This course covers the design and analysis of data structures and associated algorithms using object-oriented methods. Topics to be covered include: Generic types; Linked lists; Stacks and queues; Binary trees; Balanced binary trees; Multi-way trees; B-trees and B+-trees; File organization; Searching and sorting, Set representations; Hashing.
KUCS301 Operating Systems 3 Credits
It covers issues in multiprogramming. Covers concurrent processes and synchronization mechanisms; processor scheduling; memory, file, I/O, and deadlock management; performance of operating systems; and projects dealing with synchronization in multi-programmed OS and virtual memory management. Practices and procedures for installing and configuring modern operating systems, including user accounts, file, print. Students receive real-world experiences with multiple operating systems through laboratory sessions.
KUCS303 Data Communication and Networking II 3 Credits
This course focuses on the primary aspects of data communications networking, including a study of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and Internet models. Students will start at Layer 1 with the study of various Layer 1 interface and cabling configurations. They will construct and test various cables with connectors. Moving up the OSI layers, students will focus on IP network addressing, network design, and enhanced hands-on router and port configurations. They will also learn security protocols and do static routing, EIGRP, RIPv2, and OSPF configurations.
KUCS305 Object Oriented Programming 3 Credits
This course introduces students to programming in the Java language. Topics include problem-solving methods and algorithm development, program structures, abstract data types, simple data and file structures and program development in a modular, object-oriented manner. Introductory use of OO language features, including data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling. An introduction to Java servlets and applets is included. Emphasis on program development is reinforced through several programming projects.
KCIT305 Software Engineering I 3 Credits
In-depth study of software design and implementation using a modern, object-oriented language with support for graphical user interfaces and complex data structures is the focus of the course. Topics covered will be specifications, design patterns, and abstraction techniques, including typing, access control, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students will learn the proper engineering use of techniques such as information hiding, classes, objects, inheritance, exception handling, event-based systems, and concurrency.
KUCS309 Linear Algebra 3 Credits
This course covers topics including trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, techniques of integration, polar co-ordinates, and complex numbers: algebra, Argand diagram.
KCIT301 Web Technologies 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to understand the fundamentals of web technologies, the conceptual foundations that underpin them, and to provide experience in the design and implementation of web-based distributed systems. Students are expected to understand the fundamentals of the World Wide Web (www), HTTP and web browsers, variety of multimedia formats including image and sound; design and construct web pages using HTML, FrontPage and Dreamweaver.
KUCS302 Numerical Methods 3 Credits
Topics include: Error analysis; Approximate solutions of equations of one variable; Interpolation and polynomial approximation; Numerical differentiation and integration and solution of ordinary differential equations including initial value problems; Computer applications and techniques; Linear systems of equations and iterative methods for solving them.
KCIT308 Software Engineering II 3 Credits
This course covers the design and analysis of data structures and associated algorithms using object-oriented methods. Topics to be covered include: Generic types; Linked lists; Stacks and queues; Binary trees; Balanced binary trees; Multi-way trees; B-trees and B+-trees; File organization; Searching and sorting, Set representations; Hashing.
KUCS306 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 Credits
In this course, a thorough examination of several well-known techniques that are used for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms will be covered. Topics to be covered include theoretical measures of algorithm complexity, greedy algorithms, divide and conquer techniques, dynamic programming, graph algorithms, search strategies, and an introduction to the theory of NP-completeness.
KUSC308 Management Information Systems (MIS) 3 Credits
This course is concerned with how information systems have grown from automation of office systems that assist managers to make decisions into a knowledge-based enterprise. It introduces information systems through a survey of information systems technologies and the way they affect management. Management strategies and technical issues will be considered. Students are expected to identify information system needs and participate in its development in order to create a business competitive advantage.
KUCS314 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 Credits
Students will obtain a basic understanding of uninformed and heuristic search techniques, basic logic and probabilistic reasoning techniques, and of basic machine learning techniques. Students will obtain the ability to implement basic AI methods in Lisp, Prolog, or a knowledge-based systems development environment, and will have the ability to identify and apply basic AI methods to a given problem.
KUCS312 Research Methods 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide students with a conceptual map for conducting an information technology focused research project and reporting. It covers the general research processes, identifying a research problem, scoping, design and implementation of a solution to the problem.
KUCS401 Compile 3 Credits
Topics include an introduction to compilers, one-pass compiler, lexical analysis, and the role of lexical analyzer, finite automata, DFA based pattern matchers. Syntax Analysis includes context-free grammar, LR parser, parser generators, syntax direct translation, Type checking, run-time environments, code optimization, code generation and others.
KUCS405 Human Computer Interactions 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the human and computer interaction that exist. The content includes the following: Study modeling techniques for human activity; Evaluate methods on how an interface ought to look like in terms of functionality and fitness for purpose; Methods in order to identify existing or potential problems in human-computer interaction; Tools and techniques, Design methods, hierarchical task analysis, task analysis for knowledge description; Users requirements and modeling; Interaction design processes and heuristic evaluation user interface design; Prototyping and interaction.
KCIT403 IT Entrepreneurship 3 Credits
Investigating and analyzing of plans for successful implementation and launching of new business ventures. Characteristics of entrepreneurs and the importance of building a variety of topics in small business and entrepreneurship, including, but not limited to marketing, finance, human resources, and operations networks. Topics include: Definitions of smaller enterprises. What constitutes a small or medium-sized enterprise, Economic theories of entrepreneurship, the roles of smaller enterprises, Variety in Entrepreneurship, Common Characteristics that successful Entrepreneurs share, Differences between small and large enterprises.
KUCS409 Computer Graphics 3 Credits
This course will present an overview of graphics systems, display devices CRT, Random Scan and Raster, Scan monitors, DDA and Bresenham’s Circle algorithm, Character generation. Two-dimensional transformations, scaling, translation and rotation, matrix representations interactive input methods etc.
KCIT 401 e-Business 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to specify, design, implement and maintain effective e-Business applications. Topics include: the infrastructure of e-commerce and the design and implementation of e-business portals using network and database technologies; e-business models, risks and risk management, cryptography environment of e-business data/Web mining and security/encryption techniques for finding and negotiating with trading partners to execute electronic transactions.
KUCS407 Wireless and Mobile Computing 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to specify, design, implement and maintain effective e-Business applications. Topics include: the infrastructure of e-commerce and the design and implementation of e-business portals using network and database technologies; e-business models, risks and risk management, cryptography environment of e-business data/Web mining and security/encryption techniques for finding and negotiating with trading partners to execute electronic transactions.
KUCS403 Data Mining & Warehousing 3 Credits
This course is designed to enable students to understand and implement classical models and algorithms in data warehousing and data mining. They will learn how to analyze the data, identify the problems, and choose the relevant models and algorithms to apply. They will further be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of various methods and algorithms and to analyze their behavior.
KCIT402 IT Project Management 3 Credits
This course introduces software development and management of the development process. Topics include: logical design, physical design, implementation, testing, system integration, maintenance); design techniques (structured, event-driven, object-oriented); implementation; testing and software quality assurance; delivery and user training; metrics for project management and system performance evaluation; management expectations; personnel management, cost analysis and change management; management of behavioral and technical project aspects.
KUCS402 Systems Security and Administration 3 Credits
This course will provide the fundamentals in Systems Administration in Unix/Linux environments. Students will learn to install, maintain, and administer a Unix/Linux Operating Systems. It is the intention of this class to introduce students to more advanced concepts in systems administration and security and to provide references, examples, case studies and resources that will allow them to become more proficient at UNIX/LINUX Operating System and Information Security.
KUCS404 Computer Simulation & Modelling 3 Credits
This course will introduce students to the general principles of simulation model design and concepts of the computer simulation. The course introduces mathematical and statistical models, simulation languages, gives a thorough review of queuing systems and a hands-on experience with the object-oriented simulation. Applications of simulation methods and techniques are focused mainly on the area of computer science. ProModel for Windows will be used for projects including production systems, inventory, finance, and transportation. Statistical analysis of simulation input/output data, model validation, design of simulation experiments, and optimization are also covered. Emphasis is placed on the study and development of models of computer systems. Both analytical and discrete-event simulation models are studied. Data gathered from actual systems is used to parameterize and validate these models. Use of models to predict system performance is discussed.
KUCS406 Multimedia and Web Application Design 3 Credits
This provides a study of multimedia systems and applications in the business world. Topics include: multimedia applications, hypertext and hypermedia, audio, graphics, images, and full-motion video; multimedia-ready personal computers and workstations, storage devices, operating systems and graphical user interfaces; communication and networking requirements, multimedia applications on the Internet; file formats, data compression and streaming audio/video; and multimedia authoring tools.
KUCS408 Decision Support and Expert Systems 3 Credits
This course provides an overview of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and its subsystems. Topics include: DSS overview, modeling and analysis using linear programming, decision tables, trees, AHP, etc., group decision support systems, fundamentals of AI, expert systems, expert system building tools, and validation, knowledge representation. Classical Approaches to the Design and Development of Expert Systems, Ontology Design and Development, Learning-Oriented Knowledge Representation, Problem Reduction and Solution Synthesis, Modeling Expert’s Reasoning, Agent Teaching and Multi-strategy Rule Learning, Mixed-Initiative Problem Solving and Knowledge Base Refinement, Tutoring Expert Problem Solving Knowledge. Design Principles for Expert Systems. Frontier Research Problems.
Credit Passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and Mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects. Applicants should have an aggregate score of 6-24 in the West Africa Examination Council Examinations.
Credit Passes (A1-C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and Mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects). Applicants should have an aggregate score of 6 – 36 in the West Africa Examination Council Examinations.
Credit passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects including English Language and Mathematics plus three (3) relevant elective subjects.
Credit passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects including English Language and Mathematics plus three (3) relevant elective subjects.
Passes in three (3) subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better). Also, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject (for non-science students) and an Arts subject (for Science students). A pass in the General paper required. Successful candidates will be placed at Level 200.
Full Diploma Certificate in ABCE. Also, the applicant must have had credit passes in five (5) subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies in the General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) or West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). ABCE candidates may be considered for admission at Level 200 of the degree programme.
HND holders must have graduated with a good HND certificate (i.e. at least 2nd Class Lower Division). First-class HND holders may be admitted to level 300 if they are pursuing the same programme. First-class HND holders may be admitted to level 200 if they are pursuing a different programme. Second Upper and Second Lower HND holders may be admitted to level 200 irrespective of whether they are pursuing the same or different programmes.
Applicants with Post-Secondary Teacher’s Certificate ‘A’/Diploma awarded by any institution accredited by the National Accreditation Board may apply for consideration for Level 200.
Holders of University (Tertiary) Diplomas in relevant fields (e.g Communication Studies, Journalism) awarded by institutions accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB) may apply. Applicants with a Final Grade Point Average (FGPA) of at most 2.99 and at least 3.0 shall be considered for Level 200 and Level 300 respectively.
KNUTSFORD education provides opportunities for people who could not do so earlier in their lives to further their education at the tertiary level in all its programmes after some years in the workplace. The applicant must be at least 25 years old, and show proof of age with birth certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth which is at least 5 years old at the time of application; All applicants must pass Mature Students’ Entrance Examinations conducted by Knutsford University College in English Language, Mathematics and an Aptitude Test for entry into all programmes and at all levels; iii. The applicant should show proof of passes in English Language and Mathematics in SSSCE/WASSCE. Any other standard High School level examinations (for qualifications from countries outside WAEC’s aegis should be referred to the National Accreditation Board (NAB) for determination of equivalences and eligibility for admission.
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE): Applicants should have credit passes in five (5) GCE ‘O’ Level subjects (including English and Mathematics) and three (3) passes in the relevant subjects at the Advanced Level. International Baccalaureate (IB): Applicants should have a minimum of grade 4 at the Higher Level in three (3) subjects relevant to the programme of choice (minimum of grade 5 for Health and Allied Sciences). Applicants should, in addition, have a minimum of grade 4 in English/Literature and Mathematics (SL). American High School Grade 12 Examinations: Applicants should have at least Final Grade point of 3.0.
The BSc. in Computer Science degree has the following programme outcomes. Our program enables students to achieve, by the time of graduation:
a.An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline;
b.An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution;
c.An ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs;
d.An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal;
e.An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities;
f.An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
g.An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society;
h.Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, continuing professional development;
i.An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practices.
j.An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices;
k.An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.
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Life at Knutsford Campus
Get the full Knutsford experience as you pursue an advanced degree in an inspired setting with ocean views and access to a variety of student services. Small collaborative class sizes ensure each student receives personal attention.
Financial aid is provided ‘as and when’ the aid is available. Students would be informed of all available aid and of the criteria for accessing them. It is the student’s responsibility to apply for such aid. Financial aid provided by the college is strictly for tuition and is not refundable under any circumstance. Students may contact the Students Services Office for details.
SSNIT Students Loan
Ghanaian students interested in study loans can access the SSNIT student loans provided by the Government of Ghana through SSNIT. Interested students may contact the Students Services Office for details.
Knutsford Scholarship
Knutsford scholarship is available for Ghanaian students requiring financial aid. The award is based on financial need, academic merit, and achievements.
Whether you’re a working professional pursuing a degree part-time, or immersed in full-time study, you will expand your thinking and widen your network as a KSST student. Small classes and accessible faculty mean you’re part of a close-knit, high caliber community that supports your advancement and strengthens your aspirations.
Studying in Perfect Peace Regardless of where or you attend your classes, or how you pace your education, you earn the same degree as your peers. Our campus locations are all centrally located near resources like gyms, beach, restaurants and east – Accra continental open market.
Head, Department of Computer Science and Technology
Lectureship in Micro & Macro Economics and Research Methods.
Applying to the Knutsford School of Science and Technology is easy, and to make things even easier we’ll give you all the support you need – from advice about fees and funding to guidance from tutors on specific course requirements. Whether you're about to leave school, or you're thinking about a career change, we’ll make your journey as smooth as possible.